March Edition

Welcome to the SOW Monthly: March Edition!

In this month's edition, we will be looking at some snippets of 2022 so far. We also have some exciting announcements, includingour new alumni event! Please do read on for more information and looking forward to seeing you all in April.

Director's Address: 2022 Updates

Dearest Alumni,

It’s hard to believe that we’re already a full quarter into 2022! It seems like just last week that we were coming out of lockdown. Now that uni’s are back in person for the most part, we’ve also been able to slowly return to what ministry looked like a few years ago.

There have been many great encouragements: young leaders continuing to learn and grow, fresh first years excited to enjoy uni life, faithful staff leading the charge in developing the ministry in so many different areas and new chaplains labouring in the Word, caring for the members.

At the same time there have also been several challenges, with the ever present cloud of Covid still around, the floods keeping people at home, heightened levels of mental health issues and spiritual stagnation for many characterising some of the pastoral issues of the students at the moment.

I’m always so thankful for all your support, be it in prayer, finance, or good conversations catching up over coffee. As we look ahead to the rebuilding of momentum (God-willing), please continue to partner with us in this vital gospel ministry!

In Christ,

2022 Updates So Far...

With university starting up for all campuses, we have been so excited to be able to do ministry in-person once more.
We also were able to hold our Director Installation, where Sijin Yang was officially made the Director for SOW. We were  so glad that we were able to share this occasion with SOW Alumni, Staff and current students . Praise the Lord!

Alumni (Re)Launch [30 April, 11:30AM @ Cabarita Park Conservatory]

Alumni engagement in the life of this ministry has been critical since it earliest days, with former students, graduated and working full-time, remaining to serve on the staff team for a number of years. Even now, the majority of the 35 staff serving at SOW are alumni continuing to invest into the ministry for the sake of seeing more uni students reached with the gospel. 

As was the case then, so it is now: alumni support and engagement is critical to the continued growth and flourishing of this ministry, whether it be in volunteering as staff, generous financial giving or in much-needed prayer. As a ministry, we want to do a better job in keeping you informed of what is happening, where we’re going, and how you can both encourage and be encouraged by what’s God’s doing on campus. 

The Alumni (Re)Launch event is where we want to invite you to partner with us the continued discipleship of uni students, just like when each of you were still students. This event is free of charge and is an opportunity to connect with students on the cusp of graduation, reconnecting with old friends, and hearing more about our plans to reach more students with the gospel moving forward. We’d be honoured to have you join us.

Register here to join us:

SOW LinkedIn Launch

Our official LinkedIn page is now LIVE, so please do visit us here.

Please feel free to follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated on what we are doing as a ministry, or add it to your experience so you can be recognised and acknowledged for any past ministry work you have done alongside us.

Website Revamp + New Branding Launch

As you may have already noticed, the layout and colours of these edition of the SOW Monthly has been changed, aligning to the new branding that we have just launched! You can read more about it here.
We have also revamped the website for easier navigation and to showcase more about what we do at SOW. Please do visit our website!